146 Arbroath Road
Dundee DD4 7PU
Tel: 01382 472210

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

The Butcher's Block

How to cook a steak to perfection

7 March 2011


Like most things in life preparation is important. FIrstly let Steaks get up to room temperature for about an hour and season only with black pepper,if you put salt on your steaks it will draw out the moisture, I leave steaks out for about an hour and remember if you've got cats or dogs  put steaks in the microwave with door slightly open so the little varmints can't get at them.

Next get your pan nice and hot add butter or oil cook your steaks in pan and fry for the desired time ,8oz sirloin for instance 2 to 3mins either side for medium steak , add salt as your cooking. After frying put steak aside on clean plate and allow steak to rest for 5 minutes,its called relaxing..have a slurp of wine for the chef,next deglaze the pan with a wee drop of whiskey and add some Verstegan pepper sauce and stir for couple of minutes.Plate up your steak serve with French fries,  onion rings ,side salad and your sauce,wash down with a nice Aussie Shiraz.




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